The history of Pancake Day (and how other national food days can help promote your business)
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Happy Pancake Day! Have you ever wondered just how this day came to be? This Shrove Tuesday we’ve taken a look into its history – and how you can utilise other national food days to promote your business.
Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday (now more commonly known as Pancake Day) was a feast day before the start of lent on Ash Wednesday. This was the last opportunity to use up eggs and fats before the Lenten fast – and pancakes are the perfect way to use up these ingredients.
Lent (the 40 days leading up to Easter) was traditionally a time of fasting where Anglo-Saxon Christians went to confession and were ‘shriven’ or absolved from their sins. A bell would be rung to call people to confession, and this ‘Pancake Bell’ is still rung today.
Of course any food event inspires marketing opportunities. In the US, there are two other celebrations – one in March launched by a pancake restaurant brand and the unofficial National Pancake Day in September.
Now that Veganuary is a distant memory, don’t forget in the UK we have a wide range of national marketing opportunities you can gear up for – and take advantage of to promote your business (or just celebrate in the office, if you prefer). This includes national butcher’s week and international waffle day in March, international carrot day and British beef week in April, world whiskey day and British tomato fortnight in May, and not forgetting national picnic week in June.
Here are just a few suggestions:
• Jewellers can offer a ‘24-carrot’ promotion during national carrot week
• A staff wellbeing day during national picnic week – organise a nutritious picnic for your employees
• Public speaker or event manager? Cut out the waffle on international waffle day
So, if you need a little help in planning your business’ marketing strategy around such days, or just need help boosting your brand, get in touch to see how we can help.
Right – we’re off for a pancake flipping competition…