Are you using the power of Bing in your marketing?
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We’ve been banging on about Bing as a marketing tool for some time. Agencies and businesses are so Google focused, perhaps they’re missing a trick? This can side-track what they do on search as well as pay per click, so let’s have a look at why you should think about Bing in your marketing.
Bing search is greater than you may think
If you look at the Bing search engine statistics, on the face of it you’d think that under 10% of UK users search through Bing.
However the stats are misleading.
Around 120 million unique US users perform 6 billion searches on the Bing network monthly – and on this side of the pond nearly a quarter of all desktop searches are powered by Bing. Bing controls 36% of the US desktop search market – which makes sense, as so many people use Microsoft’s operating system.
But did you know that web searches through Microsoft Office, Outlook, Word, Excel, Teams, Skype, and even Xbox use Bing? Even Cortana and Amazon’s Alexa use Bing.
And these search engines are powered by Bing too: Yahoo!, AOL, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, MSN, Lycos and
So up to 25% of UK searches could actually be using the Bing network. That makes it more powerful as a marketing tool than you may think – akin to being the Pepsi Cola to Coca Cola’s dominance in the search space. (Pepsi has 26% market share by the way!)
And what about PPC via Microsoft Ads?
Microsoft ads is the new-ish name for Bing Ads.
Well, if so many searches are through Bing it makes sense that search results via Microsoft Ads should be high on your marketing priorities. What makes this particularly interesting is the different demographic.
Compared to Google Ads, the Bing audience is:
- More mature – approx 45 years old on average.
- More educated – approx 50% with a degree.
- More affluent – Bing searchers spend 35% online than Google searchers.
- More family oriented – 46% married and 30% with kids at home.
- And the cost per click tends to be considerably less than Google’s.
That’s a crucial way to enhance your targeted marketing reach.
With Bing’s new AI technologies being released we may see even more people transition away from Google. Watch this space.
For advice or an estimate on SEO or PPC campaign management, please get in touch.